Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I made a toe!

Or at least a toe covering
I am (obviously) working a toe up sock and I just took out my provisional crochet cast on. I love crocheting, but having to unpick a chain from the tail end and picking up stitches at the same time was a little maddening. But oh was it worth it. I think I am in love. It is just so neat that you can be working in one direction, then pick up stitches, and start working in the other direction. So cool!

Did I mention that this is my first knit sock? If I did I am going to have to apologize. I lied. A few months back I started these socks.

Did I say these? I am still on the first one. Two of my friends started them about the time that I did and they are both done. Unfortunately they scared my off because apparently the pattern did not work out well. They had to be creative with the heal and toe.

Seeing as I pulled it out and and photographed it, I am considering trying to finish it. Should I try to follow the pattern, or just wing it?

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