2. You can now find Anzula yarn in two new shops. You could already get our yarn at Ancient Pathway in Fresno, Dulitz Tree Farm in Springville, and Janna's Needle Art in Fresno. Now you can also get our fibery goodness at Knitique in Elk Grove and The Knitting Room in Lodi. Exciting, right!
3. I am now a Thea. My little sister had a little girl last Wednesday. Meet Olivia Marie!

Isn't she beautiful! She decided to come a month and a half early. You wouldn't believe she is only 4 pounds and 6 ounces. But next to my sis, you realize just how tiny she is. I can't wait to meet her.

My sister was able to hold her for three hours here. I am so happy for her.
4. I have finished loading all of our sock yarn on Hyena Cart. I am really proud of this. I still need to get everything up on Etsy, but it's a start.
5. I realized something the other day when I got an email from Facebook. The email stated that Suzanne tagged a photo of me in her album. I clicked the link, and saw this:
I was confused for a minute. It is pretty obvious that I am not in this picture, but then I realized the yarn looked pretty familiar. It was Anzula superwash merino/cashmere/nylon sock yarn. That is when it dawned on me. We need an Anzula page on Facebook. So, here it is: The Anzula Facebook Group
The sweater is pretty awesome, Suzanne said it only took 1 skein of our sock yarn. Pretty cool! I think I need to make one now. Ya know, cause I'm a Thea and all. She made it in a weekend.
6. We are going to be at Lambtown USA this year. Lambtown is in Dixon, and is going to be October 3rd. If you have not heard of Lambtown go here.
You don't want to miss it. There is a sheep to shawl competition, lamb tasting, classes, lots of fiber & yarn, and lots of other really cool things going on.
7. I love dyeing yarn, but sometimes draw a blank when it comes to naming the skeins. I was talking about this on Twitter the other day and someone said they would like to help. So I posted pictures on Flickr.com & created a Name this Yarn set. This all got me thinking. What would be cooler than to have you be part of the creation of Anzula yarn. So from now on I will be posting new yarn here, and you will get to be part of the naming process. We still only dye small batches of generally non repeating colorways.
8. I am going to knit on my silk & linen lace shawl now. Happy Knitting!